Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Potty Time

So the great adventure of potty training begins. I came up with this idea when trying to find a motivating way to teach Emma about going to the bathroom on the potty: fill a basket full of little treats or cheap toys as a reward for everytime she uses the potty. I also got this really cute potty training book (since Emma's really into princesses I thought it would be great). It comes with a crown and stickers so everytime she goes on the potty she gets a sticker to decorate her crown with as well as a "treat" from her basket.
 Dj and I decorated this basket- he drew the mouse and I did the rest and I think it came out super cute!

Not sure how successful it will be in the end but so far she really likes it- she has gone in the potty 3 times  and she really gets excited to decorate her crown.

Anywhoo I"ll be letting you know how it goes. Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hello Blog world!

I have no idea what I'm doing and am hoping for the best! After being inspired by a few bloggers, and my sister, I have decided to give this whole blogging thing a try. I'm not the writer I wish I was so I'm just going to be my not-so-perfect self and just go with the flow here. A little about me:

I'm married to what people call "the nicest guy in the world"- I think that's pretty cool to say I'm married to the nicest guy ever! Plus he makes me laugh and that's the best thing you could ask for.

I have the BEST baby in the world. She is 2 and her name is Emma. I'm pretty sure she has the biggest wardrobe on the block and I'm still working on that little addiction of mine! She may just be a genius and she's pretty stinkin perfect. Though I may be a bit biased, maybe.

I am most recently a stay at home mom due to my husbands super hard work and I'm still adjusting but super excited for the opportunity to spend every second with my daughter.
Our new family goal is to live simply- this is gonna be a bit of a struggle but here it goes.